Friday, January 15, 2016

(3) Literature Connection

Starting Today - Unknown
Starting today:
I'm going to live my life to the fullest.
I'm going to have no regrets for yesterday.
I'm going to forget about all the bad experience
I've had in the past.

I'm going to do my self a favor -
To forget about the burdens,
To forget about the pains,
To forget about the hurts.

Starting today:
I won't let anyone tell me that I can't.
I won't let anyone get in my way.
I will do things on my own.
I'm going to be my self's best coach,
And I'm going to be a good leader for myself.

Starting today:
I won't waste time on the things that I cannot change.
I won't waste time trying to change what's in the past.

I won't waste time trying to be someone I'm not.
I won't waste time trying to hide my situation.
I won't waste time worry about what people say about me -
Or my situation.

Starting today:
I'm going to live like I won't live again;
I'm going to smile like I won't smile again.
I'm going to do well in everything that I do with no regrets.
And I'm going to shape my life for the better.

        This piece literature truly shows the "medicine" to insecurities and how it connects to our topic perfectly. Not only have I read about this as a treatment but I personally highly believe that happiness is the key to overcoming insecurities. This poem repeats the words, "Starting today". This statement shows that everyday is a new day. That you should live everyday to the fullest and to try and let go of your worries. Insecurities can get people into really low places and to simply just be happy makes such a big difference. Being okay with yourself and loving yourself helps not only yourself but people around you.

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